Enterprise Managed Mobility Services

Exceed Your Mobility Potential


The pace of business is lightning-fast when your workforce is empowered to be dynamically mobile, introducing both opportunities and challenges when managing a large number of mobile users and devices.

Work from home, work from here, work from there - business happens everywhere today thanks to mobile devices, giving employees the flexibility they need to give the enterprise an advantage.

Spectrotel’s Managed Mobility Suite brings together best-in-class solutions backed by our industry-leading experts and puts you in control of each stage of an expanding mobile footprint, optimizing performance and costs while mitigating the risks of an increased network surface area.


Optimize, control, and scale your mobility program

Enterprise Mobility
Your Way

Not only does Spectrotel put you in control of the mobility lifecycle of all of your devices - from smartphones, tablets, laptops, POS devices, and wearables, to rugged industry-specialized devices - but we also put you in control of which services you leverage to augment your IT team’s capabilities. You choose any or all of the managed mobility services that you need, giving you the power to fill in gaps or offload the management of the entire mobility lifecycle.


  • Staging, Kitting, and Shipping: Eliminate the hassle and overhead involved in deploying new devices to your employees by offloading them to us. We customize them to your specs, with all the apps loaded, services enabled, and accessories ready to use.
  • Helpdesk User Support: With over two decades of experience, our U.S.-based mobility specialists empower your business to achieve your mobility goals and maximize your ROI. We work as an extension of your IT team, providing cost-effective solutions that allow you to do more with less headcount.
  • Device Inventory Management: Spectrotel's mobility experts will implement a comprehensive device catalog for managing data points such as Upgrade Eligibility and Warranty coverage – giving you peace of mind that your mobility spend is maintaining a high ROI.
  • Mobile Device Management (MDM): Spectrotel’s MDM boosts your productivity and efficiency, allowing your employees to work anywhere with their preferred devices. With MDM, you minimize risks and challenges associated with managing firmware or software issues and can secure devices if they happen to be lost, stolen, or not returned by former employees.
  • Wireless Expense Management (WEM): Usage patterns can change dynamically across a large organization for a variety of reasons, resulting in overspending. We proactively audit and adjust your wireless usage patterns through automation and predictive insights, helping you optimize your plans according to your business needs and preferences, saving you money and preventing overages.
  • End-of-Lifecycle Management: When devices inevitably come to end-of-life, you’ve got options. Spectrotel finds the best way to extend the value of your mobile devices through securely wiping your data, re-provisioning, reselling, and recycling them for you, streamlining the process and helping you meet your sustainability pledges. 

Contact Us for a Complimentary Mobility Assessment

Outsourcing can help companies reduce an average of 15% of their costs.¹

1 Source: International Organization for Standardization (ISO)